Thursday, December 27, 2012

Writer All-Star Elwood Bruise!

Around the country, there are folks writing articles about roller derby, the all stars, and the best of the best.  Here in the NW, we know we have the treasure:  Elwood Bruise.

Through years of writing about and watching the sport, he has been able to set a high bar for quality and analysis in a derby article.  Others emulate him, in fact I myself took inspiration from not only his writing, but his stats keeping as well. 

He goes all over the Northwest, pen and stats sheets in hand, often doing the job of 3 people by himself.  Leagues everywhere wait with bated breath for his 3 stars, wondering who he will single out for one of the most sought after unofficial accolades out there.

This time of year, he spends untold hours tabulating votes and compiling articles on the all stars of the NW, expanding to doing Montana, Idaho and British Columbia as well as Washington State.  What he does is nothing short of amazing.

I have had the distinct honor of working with this man on numerous occasions as we both scramble to write down the big hits, stopped jammers, and big moves of the roller derby community, and I am so often amazed at what he is able to bring to his articles.  To my mind, he defines what writing about Roller Derby is all about.  I am a better writer because of him.

So thank you, Elwood Bruise!

"He believed in junior derby when everyone else still thought it was cute....maybe he's on to something" - Jenyfer-Jenocidal Ewig

“Elwood personifies all Pacific Northwest Roller derby. His insightful and uplifting articles , bout reviews and yearly all star ratings show how much he not only loves sports, but roller derby. While we know that this time of year he would much rather be rink side watching Ice Hockey, Elwood take his time to make us all feel the love of the huge family we all are, in the PNW Derby community.” – Ann Pearson Sevaatsi

When I started skating, after every bout I played in the first thing I would look for is Elwood's bout recap.Ever Since I joined derby I've looked to those recap to measure my progress, find motivation, and look for inspiration. Even before he was my coach Elwood was pushing me to become a better skater, and you could say that he's partially responsible for the skater I am today - Chewbecca

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