Monday, February 18, 2013

Feelings on SJRD

Well... an amazing weekend of derby is in the books. SJRD's first, major away bout is done, some of the kids are still together and no one has died... yet ;)

It looks like we might be getting some more kids in next week, some of our up and coming kids are coming up quick, and there are some potential plans for partnerships which are going to expand our offerings and offer some other, experienced skaters a chance to bout. Add to that, some sponsorships in the works and some additional fund raising ideas (I LOVE having a working board!), and we're on pretty solid footing with the juniors.

The tootsy program is growing, too! Gear donations over the past few weeks have given 4 more kids the chance to skate, with 4-5 more wanting to try it out. The growth is there and waiting, we just need to figure out how to make it all happen.

As a couple of my skaters have said in the last three months? I remember now why I love derby. The sheer joy on the faces of the skaters this past weekend. They had just lost by 79 points, but they had won. They were smiling. They were happy. The scoreboard didn't matter, because they had just played the game they love.

And the looks on the faces of the kids who were strapping on skates for the very first time at Boys and Girls club. The nerves were there, but the smiles as they started to learn? Priceless.

Seeing what this game and this league is giving these kids amazes me, and makes me want to work that much harder to make sure this continues.

I know... this isn't a recap, but I just had to share this.

Team meeting before a bout against the Cherry Bomb Brawlers

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