Friday, July 1, 2011

And the hits keep on coming!

Some day, there will be televised derby on a more regular basis. During those telecasts, the introductions of the teams will, of course, have the stats of the player in question, and there in the lower left will be a junior league name showing where the skater started. Sure, it's a dream, but it could happen! And if girls keep on graduating and joining the "big girls", eventually that could definitely happen!

I just got word that Kitsap's Mutch Mayhem has graduated to Slaughter County and has made their travel team, Saints of Slaughter!  That?  Is awesome.  The Jr derby girls of the NW are beginning to make an impact on an adult level, and they will keep on coming.  After August 6th, Thumpurr looks to join Jet City, making her the first SDB to transfer into an adult league (and  rumor has it that they are letting skaters from junior leagues straight up transfer in when they meet the age/education requirements, like several of the other adult leagues in the region).  I also am told that Kitsap will have a few more graduating out this year as well!

It should only be a couple more years before the trickle of this season becomes a flood moving into the NW regional adult leagues.  While it's really exciting to think about the girls who are moving up, and seeing them gain success on another level, I also wonder how it will ultimately effect the game.  These girls are coming in with not only experience skating and playing the game, but with experience in the beginning stages of most of these leagues.  They have been a part of the fund raising, and the decision making (in many leagues), and have a good base for the DIY atmosphere the WFTDA leagues are all about. 

The future of Derby?  Now.

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