Jesus Feist gives a whip to Foxy, Photo by Axle Adams |
At the Big O, I had the opportunity to announce with Mike Chex, who declared Jesus Feist to be one of the smartest derby players he has seen. I must agree. She has an uncanny ability to stop on a dime, predict where the jammer will be, and help her team get there as well.
Photo by Axle Adams |
Ms Feist kindly agreed to answer some questions, so without further ado, I give you Jesus Feist!
NWJRDBlog: At what age did you start skating?
JF - My first practice was on March 7th 2010. I was 13.
NWJRBlog: So what brought you to roller derby?
JF - My mother Darcie McIntosh, did merch for RCR home team the Break Neck Betties back when the league was in its 1st or 2ond season. She is also friends with former RCR skater Rita Riot. The first bout I ever saw was on June 23 2007. I remember really liking it, but I don't think I ever saw myself playing the sport. Derby wasn’t brought up much after my mom stopped working merch. Until a former classmate and new neighbor (Cheese Grater of Despair) brought up she skated for the Rose City Rosebuds! I knew then that I wanted to join along with my sister Sydney McIntosh (now known as Foxy Shazam). On the day of tryouts, I was really scared and even decided I wasn’t going to skate once we got out of the car. My sister and Grater found me skates to borrow that day and practically forced me on the track. Getting on the track that day despite my fear, was the smartest decision I have ever made.
NWJRDBlog: Before roller derby, did you have any experience playing any other sports? Or did you follow any other sports?
JF - Oh boy did I ever! About 3 or 4 years B.F. (Before Feist) I attempted to play Soccer, Basketball and Volley Ball. To say the least...none of them worked out. I think the main reason I didn’t stick with any of the other sports was the lack of community. We didn’t work as a family or even a team. It was mostly about egos. There was the star player and that was it. The Rosebuds have been my family since day one. They taught me no matter what stepping stone you are at in your roller derby carrier you are an important part of the team. I remember after my first day A-Shock came over to me and gave me a huge hug and told me how excited she was that there team was getting more new girls. That was when I knew I would be skating till I died.
NWJRDBlog: What are some of your favorite memories about skating with your team?
JF - A memory I will carry forever was getting the opportunity to travel with my team to Denver CO, to play the Rocky Mountain Roller Punks! It was such an honor to travel so far with the people I love so much, to play the sport we all live to play. Being able to meet and become friends with skaters our age from further away from our state was unreal. We created new sisters that weekend that we will have forever! Another would be after the I5 vs Rosebuds Bout at WWS 2012. Watching the last jam from the bench and seeing everyone in the building jump up in pure jubilation at the last seconds upon seeing we had won. That feeling right there is beyond anything I have ever experienced. That bout was one of the best bouts you could ever have the honor to skate in.
NWJRDBlog: Who are some of the skaters, junior or otherwise, you look up to?
JF - This one is going to be hard... I look up to so many skaters worldwide. But I have a special place in my heart for my lovely ladies on Rose City! I think the skaters I look up to the most would be my coaches! I am so thankful for every skater that dedicates time to help our Jr teams grow stronger and smarter on the track. Other skaters I look up to a lot would be Cadillac #V8 and Hurricane Skatrina #82 for their physical and just overall amazing blocking skills. As well as Scald Eagle #50 for her heart stopping footwork and agility on the track! I hope to one day have the pleasure of skating alongside these fabulous women!
NWJRDBlog: Which is your favorite team to play against and why?
JF - I don’t know that I have a favorite. I enjoy skating with and against everyone! Though I really like seeing how our team plays against I5 throughout the season. Its always a challenge, you never know what the end score will be when we face each other in battle. Also the girls on that team are just such sweethearts!
NWJRDBlog: I think many people have seen your movies on Youtube. Any plans for a new feature?
JF - Oh man are we really going to break into this youtube thing? Ha-ha :)
Yes for those who haven’t seen Ms. Jesus
at her finest, I like to dance, and I dance a lot! So much that I decided to
leave the camera on one day and crank the radio. This resulted in something so
ridiculous that I said “Why not embarrass yourself further and put these videos
on Youtube!” As far as a new feature goes, I think more Con Bro Chill and 80’s
music videos. That’s the stuff that really gets me dancing!
NWJRDBlog: When you're not doing derby, what do you do for fun?
JF - Well, like I said before, I really like to dance! Belly dancing, and hoop dancing have been something I have been trying to tackle for the past year now. Both are a lot of fun!
NWJRDBlog: What advice would you give skaters just starting out in Jr. Derby?
JF - To every new Jr skater or girls who are thinking of entering the beautiful world of the derbz, first things first, to all those who don’t think they can do it, DONT GIVE UP! This sport is full of so many talented skaters that got where they are now because of years of training! As much as you think Bonnie Thunders was born with a set of mini skates laced on her feet, you are wrong. It takes time, and remember, everyone learns at different paces! Once you reach your skating goals, SURPRISE there will be more to learn! The most important thing is (drum roll)...have fun! It might sound cliché, but really it’s so much easier to learn when you’re in a good mood, and what gets a bigger smile on your face that dancing? Really dancing makes everything better. Keep skating and keep dancing!
JF - My first practice was on March 7th 2010. I was 13.
NWJRBlog: So what brought you to roller derby?
JF - My mother Darcie McIntosh, did merch for RCR home team the Break Neck Betties back when the league was in its 1st or 2ond season. She is also friends with former RCR skater Rita Riot. The first bout I ever saw was on June 23 2007. I remember really liking it, but I don't think I ever saw myself playing the sport. Derby wasn’t brought up much after my mom stopped working merch. Until a former classmate and new neighbor (Cheese Grater of Despair) brought up she skated for the Rose City Rosebuds! I knew then that I wanted to join along with my sister Sydney McIntosh (now known as Foxy Shazam). On the day of tryouts, I was really scared and even decided I wasn’t going to skate once we got out of the car. My sister and Grater found me skates to borrow that day and practically forced me on the track. Getting on the track that day despite my fear, was the smartest decision I have ever made.
NWJRDBlog: Before roller derby, did you have any experience playing any other sports? Or did you follow any other sports?
JF - Oh boy did I ever! About 3 or 4 years B.F. (Before Feist) I attempted to play Soccer, Basketball and Volley Ball. To say the least...none of them worked out. I think the main reason I didn’t stick with any of the other sports was the lack of community. We didn’t work as a family or even a team. It was mostly about egos. There was the star player and that was it. The Rosebuds have been my family since day one. They taught me no matter what stepping stone you are at in your roller derby carrier you are an important part of the team. I remember after my first day A-Shock came over to me and gave me a huge hug and told me how excited she was that there team was getting more new girls. That was when I knew I would be skating till I died.
NWJRDBlog: What are some of your favorite memories about skating with your team?
JF - A memory I will carry forever was getting the opportunity to travel with my team to Denver CO, to play the Rocky Mountain Roller Punks! It was such an honor to travel so far with the people I love so much, to play the sport we all live to play. Being able to meet and become friends with skaters our age from further away from our state was unreal. We created new sisters that weekend that we will have forever! Another would be after the I5 vs Rosebuds Bout at WWS 2012. Watching the last jam from the bench and seeing everyone in the building jump up in pure jubilation at the last seconds upon seeing we had won. That feeling right there is beyond anything I have ever experienced. That bout was one of the best bouts you could ever have the honor to skate in.
NWJRDBlog: Who are some of the skaters, junior or otherwise, you look up to?
JF - This one is going to be hard... I look up to so many skaters worldwide. But I have a special place in my heart for my lovely ladies on Rose City! I think the skaters I look up to the most would be my coaches! I am so thankful for every skater that dedicates time to help our Jr teams grow stronger and smarter on the track. Other skaters I look up to a lot would be Cadillac #V8 and Hurricane Skatrina #82 for their physical and just overall amazing blocking skills. As well as Scald Eagle #50 for her heart stopping footwork and agility on the track! I hope to one day have the pleasure of skating alongside these fabulous women!
NWJRDBlog: Which is your favorite team to play against and why?
JF - I don’t know that I have a favorite. I enjoy skating with and against everyone! Though I really like seeing how our team plays against I5 throughout the season. Its always a challenge, you never know what the end score will be when we face each other in battle. Also the girls on that team are just such sweethearts!
NWJRDBlog: I think many people have seen your movies on Youtube. Any plans for a new feature?
JF - Oh man are we really going to break into this youtube thing? Ha-ha :)
NWJRDBlog: When you're not doing derby, what do you do for fun?
JF - Well, like I said before, I really like to dance! Belly dancing, and hoop dancing have been something I have been trying to tackle for the past year now. Both are a lot of fun!
NWJRDBlog: What advice would you give skaters just starting out in Jr. Derby?
JF - To every new Jr skater or girls who are thinking of entering the beautiful world of the derbz, first things first, to all those who don’t think they can do it, DONT GIVE UP! This sport is full of so many talented skaters that got where they are now because of years of training! As much as you think Bonnie Thunders was born with a set of mini skates laced on her feet, you are wrong. It takes time, and remember, everyone learns at different paces! Once you reach your skating goals, SURPRISE there will be more to learn! The most important thing is (drum roll)...have fun! It might sound cliché, but really it’s so much easier to learn when you’re in a good mood, and what gets a bigger smile on your face that dancing? Really dancing makes everything better. Keep skating and keep dancing!
Photo by Axle Adams |
~ Jesus Feist ;)
YAY for sister whips! Ah, Jesus is amazeballz.