Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2012 is coming fast! Some Fall Jr Derby, and looking forward

I said it before, and I will say it again, "Wow, what a season!"  The flat track Jr Derby season was a wonderful sight to behold here in the Northwest.  Five A level teams battled hard and derby love was in the air... and still is!

Last weekend, the Portland Rosebuds went to Denver to meet up with the RMRG Roller Punks.  As we all know, NW Jr Derby is awesome, and the Buds proved it once again, handing out a punishing 296-43 loss to the young ladies from the Mile High City.  To quote mama T from her Facebook page, "Too amazing for words. The Buds played an amazing game. I'm telling you, they were so on fire tonight they could have beaten many adult leagues. And I'm not talking the new beginning teams.. I'm talked experienced teams. It was such an incredible experience. The Punks were amazing good sports and we love them!"

She has echoed what many of us have said time and again.   Our NW Jr Derby could give many adult teams in the nation serious pause.

I have to admit I haven't watched it, yet, but you can find the video at  Awesome job, Buds!

So, what about that thing about Fall Derby?  There's more!  On Saturday, October 22nd in Everett, the TTRB Peeps will be having their fist full length bout.  I plan on being on hand myself to experience the rolling thunder of banked track derby.  I haven't seen a full game before, so I am excited to learn!  Probably just as excited as the Peeps.  You can find the bout poster and a link to tickets at

And, as an added bonus, four Kitsap Derby Brats are going to be skating with the Peeps!  Whamsday Addams, Mad Medic, Quarter Pound'Her, and Punches'N'Cream will join the girls on the banked track this Saturday! 
And one more, perhaps, IMO, one of the most important.  On November 12th, there will be a benefit bout to help out a Junior skater.  She is here from Hawaii, and is at Seattle Children's Hospital being treated for bone cancer.  The bout will be at 5:30pm at the Everett skate deck.  I know SDB is looking for adult and junior (experienced full contact, please) skaters still, so if you want to skate in the bout you should email them at benefitrsvp at seattlederbybrats dot com.  If you want to help out but can't come to the bout you can email benefitinfo at seattlederbybrats dot com for more ways you can help out Roarin' Lauren and her family.

And next year!  There will be derby in 2012.  Oh yes, there will be derby.  With The Big O and Wild West Showdown opening up to Jr Derby and the junior leagues popping up all over, there will be even more hits and misses coming!  This Sunday there is a phone conference to talk about the 2012 season, and it should be interesting to see where NW Jr Derby is headed.

And coming up next - the 2011 All Stars!  The voting is in, and the 2011 NW Jr Derby flat track all stars are chosen!

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