Friday, March 11, 2011

Bout Preview! Portland Rosebuds @ Galaxy Girls 3/26

Two years ago, the galaxy Girls went to Portland and had a very hard fought bout against the Rosebuds. Last year at the Fathers Day bout, Portland won. At the tourney later that Summer, the Rosebuds faced the Tree Huggers, made up of elements of Galaxy Girls and other skaters from the league. Portland's B team lost, their A team won. This year, the rivalry continues! March 26th at the Rats Nest, these two teams will bout once again.

The Seattle Derby Brats have lost some of their talent in the shape of Alexacutor, Sonic Pez, Red Hot Road Runner, Woodstock and Kitty Clawberator and they have added only one skater this year, Evil MacNieval. This brings the squad to 16 players, so injuries can definitely be a factor going forward into the season!

Coached by one of the first people to start up Junior Derby and her good friend and teammate(Rat City's own Betty Ford Galaxy and Interpanet Janet)this team has been a force to be reconed with since the beginning of inter league play here in the Northwest. Known for their tight pack work, score management and strong positional blocking skills, they only stand to improve as they continue to work together for their third season.

Against Portland their last few meetings, they have struggled against the more physical play of the Rosebuds, but their score management and teamwork have kept the scores have been very close. They definitely are looking to this meeting!

Brutiful Beast
Lilly Lightning
Voodoo Lady Googoo
Evil MacNieval
Mal Intent
Syd Pistols
Random Max of Violence
Rosie D CreamHer
Energizer Bunny
DisLyke Her
Tina Angst
Rockin' Red
Poison Izzie
Flyin' Hawaiian
Evil O

We've already seen the Portland squad once this year, bouting against Kitsap. One thing about Portland, though, is that they have a VERY deep pool of girls and recruit their travel team per game. While the roster shows the perennial veterans, it also sports some of their newer skaters.

These girls have the advantage of practice year round, but only practice as a team once the roster is selected. That means that they will definitely know each other, but will not have the benefit of full on team practice together beyond those who played the last game together.  They may have trouble againsta  tighter SDB squad who has been together for 2 fulls easons now.

Still, Portland is known for their strong, physical play and their ability to control a pack. SDB stands to be challenged by this squad! Should be a lot of fun to watch!

The Situation
Sid the Hampster
Cheese Grater of Despair
Foxy Shazam
Jesus Feist
Scream Cheese
Banana Slug Her
Tempest Fugit
Sum Thang Sassy
A Shock
Bleeda Ford
Braidy Punch
Toxic Haste

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