Monday, October 24, 2011

Finally, 2011 All Stars!

Yes, yes!  I know it has been a  long time coming...

Here they are!  As voted by refs, coaches, coordinators, skaters, Refs and fans, the All Stars for the 2011 Flat Track season in the Northwest!

From Seattle Derby Brats
Rosie D. Kream Her
Flyin Hawaiian
Lilly Lightning

From Portland Rosebuds
Jesus Feist
Foxy Shazam
Scream Cheese

From Reservoir Dolls
Rattle Skate
Neal Cassady
Spunkee Bruizer

From Kitsap Derby Brats
Red Rager
Punches and Cream
Whamsday Addams

From I-5
Gory Locks
Lex Celerator

Random Max of Violence
Roma Mafia
Quarter Pound’her
Audrey Headburn

Congratulations to everyone on the list!

This post was much more difficult than I expected it to be.  Certainly, I had my own ideas of how to put together the team, but, as it was pointed out to me, my team would not really have everything a team needs... so I am Going to mix it up a little. 

Here's MY picks for a dream team! Every one of the people on this team was, in fact, voted for as an All Star, but some did not make the list according to the voting.  I did it in the form of lineups.  Line 1 is not necessarily the best, just who I would put out first.  I would also have a specific line-up for penalty killing, power plays, etc.

Line 1
Pivot:  Hunther Down
Jammer: Lex Celerator
Blockers: Rattle Skate, Flyin' Hawaiian, Scream Cheese

Line 2
Pivot:  Syd Pistols
Jammer: Roma Mafia
Blockers:  A Shock, Tempest Fugit,  Spunkee Bruizer

Line 3
Pivot:  Energizer Bunny
Jammer: Random Max of Violence
Blockers:  Red Rager, Whamsday Addams, Punches n Cream

Penalty Killing
Pivot: Spunkee Bruizer
Blockers:  Tempest Fugit, A Shock, Energizer Bunny

Power Jam
Pivot:  Syd Pistols
Jammer: Lex Celerator
Blockers:  Rattle Skate, Punches n Cream, Flyin' Hawaiian

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2012 is coming fast! Some Fall Jr Derby, and looking forward

I said it before, and I will say it again, "Wow, what a season!"  The flat track Jr Derby season was a wonderful sight to behold here in the Northwest.  Five A level teams battled hard and derby love was in the air... and still is!

Last weekend, the Portland Rosebuds went to Denver to meet up with the RMRG Roller Punks.  As we all know, NW Jr Derby is awesome, and the Buds proved it once again, handing out a punishing 296-43 loss to the young ladies from the Mile High City.  To quote mama T from her Facebook page, "Too amazing for words. The Buds played an amazing game. I'm telling you, they were so on fire tonight they could have beaten many adult leagues. And I'm not talking the new beginning teams.. I'm talked experienced teams. It was such an incredible experience. The Punks were amazing good sports and we love them!"

She has echoed what many of us have said time and again.   Our NW Jr Derby could give many adult teams in the nation serious pause.

I have to admit I haven't watched it, yet, but you can find the video at  Awesome job, Buds!

So, what about that thing about Fall Derby?  There's more!  On Saturday, October 22nd in Everett, the TTRB Peeps will be having their fist full length bout.  I plan on being on hand myself to experience the rolling thunder of banked track derby.  I haven't seen a full game before, so I am excited to learn!  Probably just as excited as the Peeps.  You can find the bout poster and a link to tickets at

And, as an added bonus, four Kitsap Derby Brats are going to be skating with the Peeps!  Whamsday Addams, Mad Medic, Quarter Pound'Her, and Punches'N'Cream will join the girls on the banked track this Saturday! 
And one more, perhaps, IMO, one of the most important.  On November 12th, there will be a benefit bout to help out a Junior skater.  She is here from Hawaii, and is at Seattle Children's Hospital being treated for bone cancer.  The bout will be at 5:30pm at the Everett skate deck.  I know SDB is looking for adult and junior (experienced full contact, please) skaters still, so if you want to skate in the bout you should email them at benefitrsvp at seattlederbybrats dot com.  If you want to help out but can't come to the bout you can email benefitinfo at seattlederbybrats dot com for more ways you can help out Roarin' Lauren and her family.

And next year!  There will be derby in 2012.  Oh yes, there will be derby.  With The Big O and Wild West Showdown opening up to Jr Derby and the junior leagues popping up all over, there will be even more hits and misses coming!  This Sunday there is a phone conference to talk about the 2012 season, and it should be interesting to see where NW Jr Derby is headed.

And coming up next - the 2011 All Stars!  The voting is in, and the 2011 NW Jr Derby flat track all stars are chosen!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Go here to see the Ft Wayne Derby Brats vs Seattle Derby Brats!  Oh, and I am announcing with KO, too.  This was a great bout.  Thanks so much to Ft Wayne for coming out to the West Coast to play!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Featured skater for August - Thumpurr!

For the final Featured Skater this season, I went with Seattle Derby Brats' Thumpurr.  Thumpurr has worked hard over the mere 2 seasons she has had with the brats.  She made it onto the travel team (Galaxy Girls) almost immediately and has been a fantastic addition to the blocking corps.  This season, we say farewell as she has turned 18 and will be moving on to adult derby. She is the first graduate from SDB who will be heading to an adult league in the Seattle area!

I hear she is looking to transfer to Jet City through their generous transfer allowance for graduating juniors... but then I hear she might be waiting to see which way Rat City leans in their rumored discussions!

Either way, Thumpurr, congratulations!  I am sure you will be a great benefit to whichever team/league you land on!

Also?  Note that she started skating with Nova High School's roller derby squad.  They may only scrimmage against themselves, but this season I happen to know that a few more will be trying out for SDB.  It's great to see a school recognizing the benefits of roller derby!

I caught up with Thumpurr to ask her a few question a month or so back.

Name: Thumpurr

At what age did you start skating?
I started skating when I was 17 at Nova High School, we had a class called the Super Nova Skate Squad. In secret we were training to become the Roller Derby Ladies we dreamed about like the local Rat City Rollergirls.

When did you first find roller derby?
A few skaters from Seattle Derby Brats donated their time to teach us skating skills, techniques, the game and hitting drills in our tiny little gymnasium of Nova. Between my skating class and seeing the Rat City Rollergirls skated like I became so obsessed it was all I talked about for months on end and still even to this day. Within the first few months I got my own pair of skates, started going to open skates at every Roller Rink I could find within a 10 mile radius.

What was the best thing about skating with your league?
Skating with Seattle Derby Brats gave me a new community that shared my same obsession, which was a relief since I had such a fiery passion that it was all I could think about everyday. It was wonderful to be able to share every little weird thing from the latest skating move I had learned to a new pair of socks with everyone. Between having so much love and community within our league, our incredible coaches is what really pushed me to appreciate our league. Krista Betty Ford Galaxy, my travel team coach, has been such a wonderful support and has taught me so much that I don't think I would have had the opportunities to be the skater that I am today without giving credit to her coaching.

Is there a skater or team you see as an inspiration to you in roller derby?
I don't think I could ever choose one skater or team to ever say just they had inspired me, every skater that goes out there and attempts to do what we do is inspiring and they all have their own drives for playing the sport. So really everyone I see inspires me to become a better skater and to share this sport with the world.

Which is your favorite team to play against and why?
My Favorite team to play against would have to be the Portland Rosebuds. Have you ever seen their sternum chucks? They put up a great fight against us and are a great group of ladies to chat with as well. So silly and wonderful.

You are the first SDB skater who will be going to a local adult league. How do you feel Jr Derby has helped prepare you for the "big leagues?"I think that as the first SDB to transfer into an adult league, Jr. Derby has helped in so many ways. Beyond just learning basic skating skills, our progressive league talks about and practices what makes the sport really sparkle: the strategy. With all kinds of learning style coaches it gave me a well-rounded understanding and practice of derby that I can take with me to an adult league.

What advice would you give skaters just starting out in Jr Derby?Don't forget how wonderful, inspiring and empowering you are to others and most importantly yourself. This sport is about what satisfaction and happiness it gives you, so no matter what might get in your way whether it's everyday life things, an injury or personal frustration. Just remember the first day you put on a pair of skates and suddenly everything clicked for you and you knew that you had to pursue the sport from that day on.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What a season it was!

A few weekends ago, 4 teams met in the final tournament of the 2011 NW Junior Derby season.  It was a very fun day with the initial round as full 1 hour games, and then the final round had 30 minute games to decide the final placing of the teams. 

Yes, I know this update is really, really late.  Life is.

Game 1 – Galaxy Girls v Reservoir Dolls

The first game saw the SDB Galaxy Girls vs. the ECJG Reservoir Dolls.  It was a crazy back and forth bout that came down to the final jam as these two teams battled it out.  The reservoir Dolls looked in fine for as they got out to a 5 point lead in the first, but credit has to be given to Flyin’ Hawaiian and Evil O of the Galaxy Girls as they held a power jam to a very low score and forced a back blocking penalty on Roma Mafia which sprang Poison Izzie back out of the box thereby limiting the damage the amazing Roma Mafia could do.

SDB handed the star to Random Max of Violence with Roma still in the box, but the Reservoir Dolls knew this dance.  They held firm in the pack and raced ahead, forcing Max to catch up.  She seemed a little shaken up at the end of the jam when she called it just as Roma was released and only had 5 points up on the board, tying the score at 9.

The third jam saw Neal Cassady and Mal Intent on the jammer line.  When the whistle blew, they were both off to the races.  Mal blasted through for lead jammer, but was promptly sent off for an out of bounds block which allowed Neal to rattle off a 14 point run.
The rest of the game was very similar.  Extremely tough defense was played by both teams holding most jams to single digits with the occasional beak-out jam.  Lilly Lightning had an amazing 30 point jam halfway through the second half which gave the Galaxy Girls their only lead in the game, but it was answered immediately in the next jam by Roma Mafia’s 25 points.  While SDB struggled back to seemingly tie in the final seconds of the final jam, 134-134 there was a scoring correction to what was on the board.  When it was all totaled out, the Reservoir Dolls stood triumphant 140-134.

Game 2 – I5 Rollergirls v Rosebuds
Game two of the day saw the I5 Rollergirls facing a team who had already beaten them twice this past season, the Rose City Rosebuds.  In the first 5 jams of the game, it looked like the Rosebuds were going to do it again.  They held I5 to 0’s and single digits while putting up some big numbers of their own, including a 20 point jam by Sumthang Sassy which had Portland in the lead 51-21.  But, as we know, I-5 cannot ever be counted out and Lex Celerator is a force to be reckoned with.
In the 7th jam, she blasted through the pack for lead, and then took advantage of Bleeda Ford’s trip to the box to rattle off a 24 point jam behind the timely blocking of Hunt-Her Down, Rage-E-Anna, Audrey Headburn and Gory Locks. 

While I-5 played 4 and out derby over the next few jams to take the lead thanks to a grand slam single pass by Hunt-Her-Down, it was that 24 point explosion which seemed to break the backs of the Rosebuds.  They fought every point, but I-5 was just plain on today. They began to play the strong, strategic derby which made them so formidable last season and I-5 was not able to break through for lead often enough to throttle things back.  At the end of the game, I5 stood tall with a 170-144 victory over their 2011 nemesis.

Game 3 (3rd - 4th place final) – SDB Galaxy Girls v Rose City Rosebuds
As mentioned earlier, the final games of the day were only 30 minute affairs to decide the final placing for the trophies (some really cool trophies, hand made by Chris Hunter). 

The Galaxy Girls had lost their first one in the final jam and the Rosebuds were just off a stinging loss to I5.  Both teams had something to prove and the first minutes of this bout showed it.  At the end of the third jam the score was 2-3 in favor of SDB.
The jamming corps of Lilly Lightning, Random Max of Violence and Poison Izzie then poured on the heat getting out to a 32-15 lead before the Rosebuds managed to find the brakes and slow things down.  They held SDB scoreless over three jams while putting up 24 points of their own (8 points each for Foxy Shazam, Scream Cheese and Kathleen Hannibal) to take the lead 39-32.
They didn’t hold it long, though.  After a few hard fought jams which showed little movement on the scoreboard, Lilly Lightning blasted through once again for a 21 point jam which had the Galaxy Girls back on top 58-43. 

Two jams later, Foxy Shazam brought the Rosebuds back to within striking distance with a 13 point run of her own and Scream Cheese snagged the lead back in the next jam 61-60.  Bleeda Ford and Lilly Lightning traded fours to set up a 65-64 final jam.  Lilly Lightning kept the jammer lid on her head and answered the call, scoring 9 points to Portland’s 5 and securing a third place finish for the Galaxy Girls!

Game 4 (Championship bout) – I5 Rollergirls v ECJG Reservoir Dolls
The final game of the day featured some incredibly physical play.  The Reservoir Dolls saw the lead in the first two jams while holding I-5 scoreless, but Lex Celerator broke through the tough walls and speeding pack of the Dolls to post up 8 to take the lead.  She would combine with hunt-Her-Down and Liv Vicious for a 16-3 tear which gave I-5 the lead for good.

This game was all about the pack work.  I-5 was able to get through to score more often, but both of these teams should be proud of their blockers.  Rattle Skate was, as usual, a phenomenal force.  She slapped the pivot stripe on her lid 10 times and led her team to some amazing play.  Hunt-Her-Down and her packs answered right back, holding the Dolls’ jammers nearly scoreless while I-5 built the lead to 48-11.
Spunkee Bruizer had had enough.  A 20 point jam later, her team was right back in the game, only trailing by 16 points.  Unfortunately, the next three jams were all I-5 with a 16-0 run.  Killa Kandy made an amazing effort for a 14-0 power jam in the final minute, but in the end it was I5 taking the victory lap with a 68-52 final.

These 4 teams were amazing to watch during the tourney, and I greatly enjoyed watching all 5 teams who competed in this first “season”.  I want to thank all of the teams who I travelled to see, all of the NSO’s who patiently allowed me to peruse their sheets and for all of the photographers who graciously allowed me to use their images in this blog.  It was a great run, and I am very much looking forward to next year!
I also want to thank everyone who gave me an opportunity to announce.  I really do enjoy it, and I tend to think I am getting MUCH better than I was when I started a little over a year ago... at least I seem to be getting a lot more people actually complimenting me on it ;)

Through the off season, I will be writing some articles and I will have a break from the featured skater after I post up the one for August.  Biggest thing coming?  I have been asking for some feedback from folks about “who would you pick for an all-star team.”  Basically: take 3 girls from each of the 5 teams, then one other from any of the teams to form a 16 skater roster.  It’s an interesting experiment as I get the feedback from various individuals. 
Interested in sending your feedback in?  You can send it to me through the email in my profile here!

Friday, August 5, 2011

NW Junior Derby Finals - Preview

Well, this is it!  We started off the season with six leagues and a vision of seeing competition between all of the leagues in the Northwestern region playing against each other.  Along the way, that vision was altered a bit.  Spokane had to drop out, so not everyone was available to play.  This meant that the competition was down to 5 teams, making this weekend’s tournament to decide the NW Junior Derby championships a little off.  It was looking possible that there might be a B team from Portland to fill the empty spot, but the Kitsap Derby Brats decided to pull out due to budget and travel issues so the b team idea wasn't needed...

So!  Change is a constant, and the final tourney on Saturday, August 6th at the Willmalane Center for Sports and Recreation in Springfield, Oregon sees four teams coming together to battle it out for supremacy.  One with one loss and 3 with 2 losses, everyone looks to be pretty even in skill.  Thus, they drew the order of play out of a hat! 
SDB’s Galaxy Girls will play the Eugene Jr Gems’  Reservoir Dolls in the opener, then the I5 Rollergirls will do battle with the Portland Rosebuds.  The final two games will be a grudge match for third and fourth and the championship game between the winners of the first two games!

Portland Rosebuds  - This team has dominated their competition this season.  Starting out against the Kitsap Derby Brats and ending with a second game against I-5, they stood tall with only one loss against Eugene in a 120-119 squeaker that went down to the last jam.  They saw the departure of Braidy Punch to the adult leagues, but Scream Cheese and Cheese Grater of Despair are still around, and they have new blood like Sumthang Sassy who will look to make sure that this is a team to look out for in the coming years.  They are a definite favorite going into this weekend!

Reservoir Dolls – They started off the season strong, shocking I5 and Portland, but seemed to falter a bit in the stretch after their team changed things up with their spring tryouts.  They dropped  a tough bout against a revitalized Kitsap Derby Brats team at the Father’s Day double header and a hard fought bout against the Galaxy Girls in Seattle last month.  They are the home team, though, and it looks as though their team should definitely be in fine form as they defend their turf. Roma Mafia, Spunkee Bruiser and RattleSkate are defintely going to bring it!

I5 Rollergirls – Fresh off their victory against Fort Wayne last weekend, the I-5 Rollergirls look to be in fine form coming into this weekend’s contests.  They are taking on Portland in their first bout this weekend, though, and they have yet to find a combo that worked against that team.  You know they have to be hungry after losing twice to the Rosebuds!

Galaxy Girls - Last weekend’s victory saw the closest to healthy this team has been all season.  This weekend brings almost the entire team back to the track.  With the additions of Beatin!!BamB and Salami Stompson moving up from the SDB league teams to fill empty spots, they are looking pretty strong.  Lilly Lightning, Radom Max of Violence, Rockin' Red and all the rest are ready for whatever tomorrow brings!

Here’s the schedule for the day –
12:30 doors open
1:00 Rules Demo and Anthem
1:15-2:45 Game 1 Galaxy Girls vs. Reservoir Dolls
3:00-4:30 Game 2 Rosebuds vs. I-5 Roller Girls
4:30-4:45 Speed Dealer show
4:45 or 5:00 Game 3 Losers of 1&2 (30 minutes)
5:15 or 5:30 Game 4 Winners of 1& 2 (30 Minutes)

KO and I will be announcing the I5 v Portland game, and hopefully one of the final two as well.  I will also have pen and paper in hand to take notes on the other games and will have the recaps up as soon as possible next week!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I5 Rollergirls win squeaker over Fort Wayne

Death by Beth and Gory Locks combine to stop a Fort Wayne jammer
Photo by Whamsday Adams
If Fort Wayne had any questions about how the Northwest game of roller derby was played before they played the Galaxy Girls, they were definitely gone when they faced the I5 Rollergirls on Saturday evening at the Southgate Roller Rink. Hard hits and physical play were the order of the day and both teams were more than happy to deliver!

The bout had more lead changes than I have fingers (by one) and one of the most amazing finishes I have seen this year.

I5 started it off in their usual way with Lex Celerator showing her speed skating greatness and picking up a 9-0 decision, but Fort Wayne was not deterred. Malibruise Barbie, Mac Attack and Cleo Paintra all slapped some points on the scoreboard on their way to the first lead change, but it was Cleo's 14 point jam while Audrey Headburn was sitting in the penalty box along with some very impressive blocking by Liv-R-Die and Buttercup which brought them to a 24-21 advantage in the 9th Jam.

That seemed to light a fire under the I5 blockers and the physical game stepped up a notch. Over the next five jams I-5 outscored the Fort Wayne lineups 13-0, but only to the tune of a few points per jam as both teams began to slog it out in the pack and the penalties began to mount. Fort Wayne clawed back once more to take the lead (48-47) powered by some awesome blocking by Bad Kitty and Liv-R-Die as they opened lanes on I5, but at the half it was I-5 on top by a mere two points! This was a definite omen of things to come!

The second half saw I-5 employing the 4 and out strategy which is a hallmark of strategic roller derby. Get your jammer through for lead, grab your four points and call it before the other jammer can get back into the pack. This worked very well and they managed to get a 22 point lead (the largest of the game) before Hunt-Her-Down gave up a 17 point power jam to Mak-Attack which launched Fort Wayne right back into the game! They continued riding that momentum all the way the lead at 102-108, but I-5 took it right back with a 9 point blast by Lex Celerator.

Liv Vicious tried to extend the lead, but the Fort Wayne blockers were having none of it! The entire pack seemed to swarm Liv wherever she tried to get through. Bad Kitty, Buttercup, Cleo Paintra and Trademark were a site to behold as they stopped Liv cold and allowed Mak Attack to post up 13 points and take the lead yet again!

The next two jams were a see-saw affair and both teams gained the lead over the other before the final two jams were in the offing. And these? These were two of the most exciting roller derby I have seen!

Lex Celerator and Traqdemark started off the jam with I5 ahead 116-115with 2:00:02 left on the clock Lex fought through for lead jammer and slapped up four points before being called off for cutting the track a little over a minute into the jam! Trademark had already answered back for four of her own so all she had to do was score two more points and run out the clock. She got her two and sped around to try to get four more as the jam clock wound down. Reed d Rules whistled the jam finished with 2 seconds left and I5 coach Nasty Nicky ran onto the track with her hands in a T screaming for her time out to stop the clock! Two seconds left, Lex Celerator standing in the box and the Fort Wayne phenom Mac Attack standing on the jammer line with a 121-120 lead waiting for the time out to finish... but that was not how it would turn out!

During the time out, the refs conferred and determined that Trademark had run into the back of an I5 blocker for a major penalty! She would be sent to the box and there would be no jammer to start the jam! With Lex already standing which meant that Trademark would have about a minute to serve while her team tried to stop on of the best jammers the Northwest has to offer while holding only a one point lead!

Lex clawed her way through the pack as the Fort Wayne Blockers tried desperately to stop her and gained lead jammer, then fought through again for the grand slam before slapping her hands to her hips to end the game! I-5 had the lead and the victory by a mere 4 point margin 125-121!

What a finish! An extremely strong reminder, as Elwood said in his article, that if you are not watching junior derby, you are definitely missing out!

Three stars for Fort Wayne -

Buttercup - This girl was a force to be reckoned with during this bout! I saw her lay down several big hits which cleared the line for her jammer, sending the I5 blockers scattering over line while she skated on looking for her next target. She also slapped the star and stripe on her lid pulling triple duty. She definitely caught my attention as one to watch!

Liv R Die - Just like the previous night, this young lady was amazing! She didn't just open lanes, she was a highway wrecking crew sending multiple I5 blockers to the floor at least 3 times that I was able to count!

Mac Attack - What a jammer! She scored nearly half of her team's points, got lead jammer 50% of the jams she was in (most of which were against Lex Celerator) and had a +/- of 28 (meaning she scored 28 more points than her opponents on the jammer line). She definitely wins the stats line and a star for her jamming prowess!

Three stars for I5 Rollergirls -
Hunt-Her Down - Not only was she on the track more than anyone but Lex Celerator, she proved to be one of the strongest forces in the I5 pack, and even took several turns as Jammer putting up nine points. As I mentioned in her featured skater post, this woman is very much one to watch out for. Her 3.64 average blocker +/- (her team scored an average of 3.64 points per jam more than the opponents when she was blocking) and her over all avg +/- of 1.84 (tops for her team) give her this star!

Lex Celerator - 72 points, 79% lead jammer and amazing play in the pack when she wasn't pooring on the speed. Lex Celerator proved once again why she is considered one of the best. This skater is a superstar!

Death by Beth - Last year this skater was with SDB and I had the opportunity to see her play on numerous occasions. This past year I have watched her grow in skill by leaps and bounds! This past bout I saw her stopping jammers and playing defense like I had not seen before. She is definitely going to be one to watch out for next season!

This was one of the best bouts I have had the pleasure to watch and announce.  Those last 3 minutes were so intense!  I think I yelled myself hoarse over the microphone!  A huge thank you to Reed D Rules for getting me the stat sheets!  They really make things easier when I haven't had the chance to write things down due to my announcerly duties!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fort Wayne finds what they were looking for

This past weekend, the Fort Wayne Derby Brats travelled across the country. Before coming, they did an Interview for a podcast with NIPR with WBOI's Sean Beuter. In it, they talked about their desire to test themselves. They had not had one defeat in their history, and they were beginning to wonder if there was stiffer competition elsewhere in the country. In the Great Northwest, they found it.

Friday evening they met the Seattle Derby Brats in a fierce battle. These two teams had never seen each other before, of course, and I don't think either team really knew what to expect. The Galaxy Girls were used to the play style of the northwest teams and Fort Wayne was not ready to play that way.

Tough, physical play seemed the order of the day for Fort Wayne, and it seemed to catch the Galaxy Girls a bit by surprise in the first 7 jams as Fort Wayne jumped out to a 27-17 lead using five different jammers over Mal Intent, Rockin’ Red and Random Max of Violence before Galaxy Girl freshman, Beatin!!BamB, entered the game and took advantage of a power jam to rattle off 12 points and give SDB the lead.

Three jams later, Aussie Bossie brought home 10 points of her own and gave Fort Wayne the lead again, But Max had found her Random groove and blasted through the pack 3 times for 15 points and snagged the lead back for the Seattle Brats.  Fort Wayne fought hard to get it back, but the end of the first half saw them down 62-57.

The first 9 jams of the second half were almost all Galaxy Girls.  While the Fort Wayne jammers were extremely proficient at getting lead jammer (4 of those 9 jams), they also found themselves on the receiving end of some major penalties on their jammers allowing SDB to expand their lead to 45 points before they began to claw their way back in. 

Liv-r-Die and Bad Kitty were fiercely holding strong in the pack and were NOT going to let their team be blown out.  The Fort Wayne Pack slowed down the pace and began to punish the Galaxy Girls with big hits and some impressive positional play.  This really seemed to break the Galaxy Girls’ stride as Random Max, Flyin’ Hawaiian and Rockin’ Red were all held to single digit jams while Mak Attack found open lanes and lapped the SDB jammer twice for 13 points in the 16th to bring the lead back down to 23, a not impossible task in the final jam of the game.  Mak Attack and Evil O lined up for the final jam, but Mak was called out for cutting in the, allowing Evil O to close the door on Fort Wayne’s come back, and close out the game with a grand slam for a 137-109 Galaxy Girl victory

3 Stars for Fort Wayne!

Aussie Bossie - This skater was awesome on the jammer line, skating for 43 point and getting lead jammer in 89% of the jams she was in!  She also contributed heavily in the pack with defensive play. 

Bad Kitty – What more can I say?  Blocker extraordinaire!  She punished the Galaxy Girl Jammers on just about every pass and made them earn every point when she was on the track

Liv-R-Die – Along with Bad Kitty, she kept her team in this one, leading all blockers with hits and stopped SDB jammers as well as opening up huge lanes for her own.  Do NOT get in her way!

3 Stars for the Galaxy Girls!

Random Max of Violence – I have said it before, and I am 100% certain I will be saying again, this skater is amazing to watch.  Max was up to her usual standards and the Fort Wayne girls had trouble hitting a jammer who was there one second, and had her body in some weird position avoiding their hits the next.

Rosie D KreamHer – Her huge hits and strong pack play contributed heavily in this victory, but more astoundingly, she spent zero minutes in penalty box while doing it!

Thumpurr – Partnered with Rosie D Kreamher and playing in what is likely to be her last junior bout before going to Jet City (She was injured in the bout and her status for next weekend is unknown at this time), she had a +/- of 9 points and, just like Rosie, did it without hitting the penalty box once.

I should have the stat sheets for the I-5 game very soon and will be doing the writeup for that game as soon as I get them.  In the meant time, as Promised, you can find two great write-ups from Elwood Bruise on this weekend's action with Fort Wayne at the Examiner!

Galaxy Girls v Fort Wayne
I5 v Fort Wayne

I want to personally thank Fort Wayne for coming out.  It was great to see such exciting play from elsewhere in the country, and it fills me with hope and expectation for the the future!  Nationals, anyone?

Monday, July 25, 2011

They're not in Indiana anymore!

Ft Wayne comes for a visit!

One of the best things about the explosive growth of junior derby is, of course, that this movement is now seen from coast to coast.  Teams and leagues are found in every section of the US, and this weekend, one of the best of the Midwest is going to come and test themselves against two of the best the Northwest has to offer:  The Seattle Derby Brats and the I-5 Rollergirls!

I have to admit, I have not really tracked the Midwest teams very closely, but my research over the past couple of days has revealed a team that has clearly dominated all comers.  You can watch the second half their game at the 2010 Spring Roll tournament against the Chicago Riots on Justin TV where they are ahead by about 100+ points all the way through. 

And that?  Was a little over a year ago!  According to their web site, they once again dominated the competition at this year’s tourney and stand undefeated in 2011.

First up to take the Ft Wayne challenge will be the Seattle Derby Brats. The injury woes continue this year for the brats, but this time we are going to see some future Galaxy Girls who have been invited from the league’s home teams to train and try out at the end of this season.  Li’l Moko, Pooky Poundya , Salami Stompson and Beatin’ Bambi have a pretty good chance of being on the floor and we will know soon which of the alternates are going to be able to hit the track to replace Brutiful Beast, Tina Angst and Energizur Bunny.

The team has been training hard for the final tourney on August 6th and most of the core is strong and healthy.  Look for Random Max to ply her noodly trade and Rockin' Red to light up the track from the jammer line joined (I am told) by Voodoo Lady Googoo!   Thumpurr (playing in her last games before heading out to Jet City) will join ranks in the pack with Evil O and Poison Izzy to lay some serious hits on the girls from Ft Wayne.  All in all, this is probably the strongest the SDB team has looked in a few months.  Ft Wayne had better be ready!

After a day’s rest, Ft Wayne will be at it again against the ever dangerous I5 Rollergirls!  Lex Celerator is fresh off an astounding performance at the speed nationals, reaching the finals in every event she competes in!  You know she’s going to be one to watch out for as she turns on the afterburners.  As every team here in the NW knows, the speedsters of I5 are a force to be reckoned with.  Of course, they are only half of the equation.  I5’s pack is just as dangerous, able to shut down jammers at will.  Hunher Down and Kitty Clawberator will definitely be looking for some neon green stars to knock to the sidelines!

Frankly?  This is going to be awesome fun to watch.  I am likely to be on the mic, and will do a brief wrap-up after the bout, but I am also told that there is a possibility that the great Elwood Bruise will be on hand for Friday’s play-by-play writeup!  It’s not a public bout so watch this space and the examiner for the results!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Featured Skater for July - Hunt-Her Down!

Hello, folks!  June was a busy month for me, so I missed a month in my featured skaters!  I have two interviews done, and I will be doing them in July and August.

This month is Grainne Hunter (Hunt-her Down) of the I5 Rollergirls!  Hunther is someone I have definitely enjoyed watching over the last couple of years.  Her no-nonsense approach in the pack leads to some very efficient blocking, and she applies it to jamming as well.  She may not be the high scoring, high flying jammer, or have the biggest hits, but she is one of the most steady and reliable players I have seen out there.  That is exactly what makes Hunt-her one of my picks for an all-star team.

As Promised, here's the interview! 
My name is Grainne Hunter, and my derby name is Hunt-Her Down.

At what age did you start skating?
I started skating when I was twelve after learning about Roller Derby.
When did you first find roller derby?
I first discovered Roller Derby about five years ago, my dad and I saw Blood on the Flat Track during SIFF and I said, "I want to be a roller girl when I'm older!" My dad didn't really pay any mind to the comment because we didn’t know about junior derby! Then, one night we were watching TV and the Seattle Derby Brats were being profiled on a PBS show called In Focus so we researched it and attended an SDB practice at Bellevue Skate King to watch. I got skate gear the next day at Fast Girl Skates and the rest is history.

What was the best thing about skating with your league?
The best thing about skating with the I-5 Rollergirls is that we all work very well together and we're all friends outside of skating, additionally I love our coaching staff! Nikki and Trixxxie are committed to teaching no nonsense Derby skills and the entire team really respects them!
Is there a skater or team you see as an inspiration to you in roller derby?
I like many teams and individual players the list is pretty big. The Oly Rollers are amazing! All of the skaters for that team make me want to skate and play like them! I love watching my coaches play as well, they definitely inspire me.

Which is your favorite team to play against and why?
I like playing all of the junior teams, but a couple of my favorite teams to play are The Portland Rosebuds, and The Kitsap Derby Brats. PDX because they are all super nice but have amazing teamwork and are a challenge to bout, in a good way! KDB because I feel pretty close with most of their skaters! Both teams are awesome Roller Derby Teams! And I can’t say enough about the Reservoir Dolls from Eugene they are a little further away and we usually only play them once a year but they are a great team and of course it is always great to play SDB because I learned to play there and their team is tough.

I have seen you NSO, ref and coach, so clearly you are involved in all aspects of derby. Which of your non-competitive activities do you enjoy the most?
This is a hard question because I LOVE doing all of those. I like to be involved with bouts even when I am not skating. It is fun and a lot of work to pay attention to a bout when you're off skates. But I have to say that I like to NSO because I like to give back to the sport, it takes a lot of people to make a bout successful and we could not bout without the Ref’s and NSO’s

What advice would you give skaters just starting out in Jr Derby?
Some advice that I have for incoming skaters: Everyone was a beginner at one point, come to practice because that is the only way you will improve! But, I think a big thing is to watch lots of other bouts especially adult teams, see how everyone else plays or maybe how you want to play. Derby is mostly a dedication sport and if you put in the time you will have fun and improve. Skate whenever you can.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Galaxy Girls take win over Reservoir Dolls in hard fought bout!

Photo by Wyatte Wood

The picture above says it all.  The Galaxy Girls and Reservoir Dolls met last night at the Southgate Roller Rink in Seattle in what promised to be a well fought bout.  These two teams definitely delivered on that promise.

The bout started out fairly slowly, each team being incredibly stingy on the points.  It was clear that they were both going to fight it out in the pack, and this was going to be about playing a physical game.  For the next hour, it was big hits, big misses and penalty timers with plenty to do.

In the first half, it was SDB having trouble.  Their jammer spent quite a bit of time sitting down, and, as we know, you can't score from the box!  Reservoir dolls had plenty of opportunities at power jams, but the Galaxy Girls had some awesome penalty killing going on. 

Rather than do what we have seen from most teams this season, and racing the pack, Coach Betty opted for stopping their jammers in the pack.  And boy, howdy were those jammers stopped!  Killa Candy, Roma Mafia and Tinker Hell made up the core of the Reservoir jammer rotation (Spunkee Bruizer started the game, but ended up out due to medical issues), and none of the three seemed to find the magic bullet which would slay the Galaxy pack.  Halftime showed the results: 52-47 Reservoir Dolls.

The second half showed the tables turned, and the Dolls were really hurt by penalties.  Jammers were being called off often, but it was mostly in the pack that the Galaxy Girls found themselves with an advantage of one or two for most jams.  Rattle Skate and Neal Cassady spet a lot of time sitting, allowing the Galaxy Girls an easier time to create the openings for their jammers. (Rattle Skate actually got her 7th penalty right at the end of the bout, but the time wound down before the ejection occured). 

Random Max of Violence, Rockin Red and Lilly Lightning started the jammer duties, but Flyin' Hawaiian got her lick in, too and the Galaxy Girls blasted out to a 30 point lead.  But this is roller derby!  Fortunes can change quickly, and they often do. The Dolls battled back to within 15 points and 15 minutes into the second half saw Neal Cassady slap on the star and rattle off a magnificent jam which gave the lead back to Eugene.  They extended the lead a bit, but then SDB threw Whamsday Addams (Borrowed from the Kitsap Derby Brats... I still say she looks good in black! ;) ), Lilly Lightning and Flyin' Hawaiian into several quick 4 and out series which saw that lead evaporate.  Once the Galaxy Girls got the lead this time, they would not let it go.  In the end, they skated the victory lap with the scoreboard showing 142-107

3 stars for Eugene:
Rattle Skate - Once again, she is a force to be reckoned with in the pack.  She may have gotten enough penalties to foul out, but those penalties came because she was in there fighting it out.  Every time I see her play, I just know I am seeing a future star blocker!

Neal Cassady - She was a force in the pack, but it was the awesome power jam that brought her team back into the game which has her in this list.  Before that jam, the Dolls were beginning to sit a little lower in their chairs.  After that jam, they were back on the edges of their seats.  She not only brought back the lead, she brought her team back, too.

Killa Candy - This kid has heart.  She got beat up in the pack quite a bit, but she always got back on her feet and kept going.  To me, she exemplified a lot of what I love about junior derby.  More than points scored or lead jams (and she had her share of both), there's something more that these girls bring to the track.  Killa has it, and there are no stats which track it.

3 stars for the Galaxy Girls:
Lilly Lightning - Lilly was extremely consistent on the jammer line and truly helped lead her team to victory.  She has been out with an injury for a while, so it was good to see her out there once again with a C on her shoulder. 

Flyin' Hawaiian - While I don't have the stats for hits, actions or errors, I am betting Flyin' Hawaiian would be high on the list of big hitters.  Straight off the jammer line, in the pack, jammer stopping, hole opening big hits were her bread and butter last night.  As I said on the mic (yes, I was announcing again), "Thank you for Flyin' Hawaiian!"

Random Max of Violence - Elbows akimbo, legs in every which direction and a body that is seemingly made of spaghetti, Max made her way through the pack and beat solo blockers all night.  She was definitely on her A game jamming.  The moves this skater can make are far from your traditional juke and jive moves, she uses subtler subterfuge of a different type.  Her fakes seem to come from her whole body as she will shape her self around her opponents.  It's awesome fun to watch!

So there you have it: the end of the regular season games for NW Junior Derby.  Next stop is Eugene on August 6th, where it looks like we'll be having a tourney setup with starting bouts drawn from a hat because we are all so evenly matched this year!  With this bout, 3 teams are now 2-2 and every team has at least one victory.  One thing is for certain, this region has some of the best Roller Derby in the nation on the adult level, and the juniors are following suit.

Friday, July 1, 2011

And the hits keep on coming!

Some day, there will be televised derby on a more regular basis. During those telecasts, the introductions of the teams will, of course, have the stats of the player in question, and there in the lower left will be a junior league name showing where the skater started. Sure, it's a dream, but it could happen! And if girls keep on graduating and joining the "big girls", eventually that could definitely happen!

I just got word that Kitsap's Mutch Mayhem has graduated to Slaughter County and has made their travel team, Saints of Slaughter!  That?  Is awesome.  The Jr derby girls of the NW are beginning to make an impact on an adult level, and they will keep on coming.  After August 6th, Thumpurr looks to join Jet City, making her the first SDB to transfer into an adult league (and  rumor has it that they are letting skaters from junior leagues straight up transfer in when they meet the age/education requirements, like several of the other adult leagues in the region).  I also am told that Kitsap will have a few more graduating out this year as well!

It should only be a couple more years before the trickle of this season becomes a flood moving into the NW regional adult leagues.  While it's really exciting to think about the girls who are moving up, and seeing them gain success on another level, I also wonder how it will ultimately effect the game.  These girls are coming in with not only experience skating and playing the game, but with experience in the beginning stages of most of these leagues.  They have been a part of the fund raising, and the decision making (in many leagues), and have a good base for the DIY atmosphere the WFTDA leagues are all about. 

The future of Derby?  Now.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I-5 and Kitsap get big wins

At the last minute, I was asked to announce, so I wasn't able to get my writing on for this one, but that's OK!  Elwood Bruise was on hand with some great Jr Derby write-ups!  Elwood really has great respect for Junior Derby.  You should definitely go on over and check it out!

So!  The standings!  Portland, Kitsap and Eugene have all four games in the books, meaning there is only one more game to play.  Eugene and Seattle will be at the Southgate Roller Rink on July 9th to finish out the season!  As Elwood says, you should come and watch!

If Seattle wins, then the we have a three way tie for second place in the standings. Unlike WFTDA (who uses point spread to decide these things), we have yet to determine exactly how we will sort this out.  I think the most fair is to look at victories.  Reservoir Dolls beat I-5, I-5 beat SDB.  This would put Reservoir Dolls into the game for the championship against Portland and I-5 would play SDB for 3rd and 4th.

But what if SDB loses?  That would put SDB and Kitsap both with 1-3 records, I-5 still at 2-2 and Eugene at 3-1 along with Portland.  Again, since SDB beat Kitsap, it should probably put I-5 vs SDB for 3rd and fourth... or I-5 gets 3rd themselves and SDB and KDB battle it out for fourth and fifth!

We'll sort it all out, though!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bout Preview! SDB Galaxy Girls Vs I-5 Rollergirls, Kitsap Derby Brats Vs. EJG Reservoir Dolls

It's that time again!  Summer!  Time for some serious Jr Derby bouting as the girls are out of school and the days are longer.  This Sunday, June 19th, The Pavilion at the Kitsap Fairgrounds will host the first of several double as we move ever towards the August 6th NW Regional Championships in Eugene.

Up first is the Eugene Jr Gems' Reservoir Dolls vs the Kitsap Derby Brats. Eugene stands at 2-0, having taken out both portland and I-5,  while Kitsap (at 0-3) can really play spoiler and make sure no one has a perfect record this year. 

The Kitsap girls are hungry and play hard (as I saw in their bout against SDB last month).  Whamsday and Red Rager   Will give their all against a strong Reservoir Doll team!  They may be 0-3 and this is their last game for standings this year, but this team definitely is NOT one to be counted out.  They have a lot of skill and fire on the track, and that comes through in every bout.  Definitely a great one to watch!

The second bout has the I-5 Rollergirls taking on their cross town rivals, the SDB Galaxy Girls.  It's always great when these two teams play.  They leave it all out on the track and skate to win. 

Both teams are having slight injury trouble (I have reports that Rockin' Red of SDB and Hunther Down of I-5 are both having some knee troubles), but the rest of their squads will definitely play even harder to make up for it.
This will be I-5's last game for standings, as they have already played against the other 3 leagues in the running this year and you can be assured they intend to be 2-2 when the final whistle blows.  SDB has Eugene on July 9th after this bout, the final game for standings here in the NW, so this one is definitely important for both teams.

Should be a lot of fun, and a great way to spend Fathers Day!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Galaxy Girls blast off against Kitsap Derby Brats 207-115, Tootsy Rollers even the score vs I5 B's 103-77

Yesterday was a good day for the Seattle Derby Brats' travel teams, as the Galaxy Girls got into the win colum (and advanced in the standings) with a victory over the Kitsap Derby Brats, and the Tootsy Roller All Stars took it to I-5 B teams in a positional rematch.

I am working on the numbers for the Tootsy bout and I need to get the score sheets for the Kitsap bout so I can have the numbers at all since, once again, I traded pen for Microphone.  Plenty of impressions and analysis, but no hard numbers to back them up makes for a very opinionated blog!

In other words, watch this space!  More coming in the next day or so, including:  Blood on the flat track, explanation of the standings, analysis of the games, and 3 stars for each team!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bout Preview SDB Galaxy Girls vs Kitsap Derby Brats

Here we are in May and the standings are really beginning to shape up in some exciting ways!  Unfortunately, it looks like the Spokane Atomic Pixies are going to have to drop out of the championship rankings this season, but they will still be playing on Fathers Day, so we'll get to see them, then!  That leaves 5 teams battling it out for bragging rights, and this weekend two teams without a mark in the win column meet in what promises to be a fun bout!

SDB Galaxy Girls started out their competitive season with a loss to Portland, but they were down several skaters.  This weekend, it looks like they will be down a few again!  Brutiful Beast, Lilly Lightning and Voodoo Lady Googoo all find themselves on the injuries list, while there is also word that at least one more girl might be out ill.  That means Energizer Bunny, Poison Izzie and Rockin' Red will have to work that much harder to make sure Kitsap doesn't run away with all the points!

The girls have been practicing hard since Portland came to town and I look forward to seeing the end results.  I am also hearing rumors that this might be Thumpurr's last bout as a junior, as she has turned 18 and is considering heading off to join Jet City!

Evil O
Rosie D. Kream-Her
Random Max of Violence
Flyin' Hawaiian
Enurgizer Bunny
Tina Angst
Rockin' Red
Evil Mac'Nevil
Mal Intent
Syd Pistols
Poison Izzie

Kitsap has had a tough season against the teams on this circuit thus far, dropping some tough fought bouts.  You know they have to be hungry at this point and they are certain to bring their all against the girls in black and silver.  Whamsday Addams and Mutch Mayhem look to cause some trouble in the pack and on the jammer line, and Little Mean Sunshine is always a threat as well.  There are a few names I don't recognize (Ryan the Lyan and Mad Medic are ones I don't remember seeing before), but Kitsap, like Portland, sets their roster from the pool of girls for each bout instead of having a set travel team.  Looking it over, I think they'll give as good as they get!

Red Rager
Champ Pain
Mutch Mayhem
Whamsday Addams
Little Mean Sunshine
AliSin WonderSlam
Ryan The Lyan
Quarter Pound'her
Mad Medic
Stabby Gabby
Gaines Slayer
Rosie Basher

The bout will take place on a blue floor at Sk8 Town in Port Orchard, a surface the Galaxy Girls don't have experience with.  From my sources, I hear that it is somewhat slicker than sport court so that may also play a factor.  At 10:30AM on Saturday, I am sure we will find out!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Reservoir Dolls shock Rosebuds 120-119

Spunkee Bruizer takes Jesus Feist to the floor with a well placed hip check. Photo by Jeff Boerio
The final jam found the Reservoir Dolls jammerless, but up by 6... and they held on to win by one!

That is pretty much the the whole game in synopsis right there.  A back and forth fight with both teams giving everything they had and a little more, trying desperately to eke out a few more points and gain the advantage.

It started off slow, as just about every bout has started this season, with Bleeda Ford drawing first blood for Portland and going up by two, But Eugene was not going to sit this one out.  This was the Rosebuds they were playing.  They had already beaten one other NW Juggernaut and they had their giant slaying skates on!  Portland got into some penalty trouble early, forcing some short packs and over the next five jams the Dolls shot out to a 35-8 point lead.  It was clear they were going to try to control the pace of the game.  Time out for Portland.

And that was all they needed.  The Rosebuds took their minute to talk it out in the huddle, take a deep breath and remember who they were and what kind of game they played: tough, physical derby. They brought it, and the Reservoir Dolls were rocked back on their heels.  Cheese Grater of Despair and Scream Cheese were a combination in the pack that was going to be hard to beat.  Wherever the jammer was, they were there making sure she wouldn't get much, if anything at all.  But the agility of the Reservoir Dolls' jammers and the sheer will and tenacity of Buddha Thunder, Spunkee Bruizer and Rattle Skate in the pack met the challenge shoulder on. Portland surged to within 17, but Roma Mafia and Spunkee Bruizer combined on the jam line to blast back to a 26 point advantage.

It was pretty clear at that point, that the Rosebuds had had about enough of this.  Jesus Feist and Bleeda Ford took it to the pack and created openings where none existed to allow Foxy Shazam and the rest of the Rosebuds jammers to claw back to within 7.  At the halftime, it was 69-62.  As both teams headed into the locker rooms, I overheard someone talking about the Portland girls, saying it was clear they were angry, but they would be fine if they stayed out of the penalty box.  Those words would prove prophetic.

The second half started much as the first one had ended.  Both teams clawing for every point, and forcing the other team to take what they could by power and speed.  A power play Opportunity for Banana Slugher brought Portland to within one in the third jam of the half and Bleeda Ford snagged lead jammer two jams later to power into the lead change, bringing Portland on top 87-83.  That victory would prove short lived as two jams later A-shock cut the track, allowing Tinker Hell a power play opportunity.  She took as much advantage as the pack would allow and brought her team back to the lead, 90-88.

 Not to be outdone, Sumthang Sassy took advantage for the Buds when Fizzy Bubbly had to sit down for her fourth minor and snagged the lead back for Portland once again, 102-97 with some incredible skating forcing several missed hits.  Portland would hold the lead for only four jams, though.  Roma Mafia was not done skating.

In the 15th jam, Foxy Shazam was sent out for backblocking and it would give Roma all she needed in the form of a power jam to bring the Dolls back on top 120-109.  It would prove too much to overcome... barely.  Two jams later, Foxy brought her squad to within 6 (120-114) and the clock down to a mere 1 minute 5 seconds.  Just enough for one, final jam.

As the timekeeper called 5 seconds there was only one jammer on the track, Sumthang Sassy.  A jammer shot out from the Reservoir Dolls' bench, but she failed to get onto the track in time and Wench Warden waved her back to her bench.  Sumthang Sassy only had to score 7 points in the next two minutes!  What followed was one of the hardest fought jams I have witnessed in the past 3 years of watching junior derby.

Portland managed to get Sumthang through by trapping one of the dolls and slowing things down.  She shot around the track and picked up her grand slam before the trap was broken and Eugene took off.  She only had to score 1 more point to tie the game, but Spunkee Bruizer and Bahr Fight had other plans. 

They formed an Epic Two wall and stood firm against a torrent of hits trying to break it up.  If Sumthang started to break away, she found herself recycled as the rest of the Eugene pack got into the action.  They may not have a jammer, but these girls were determined to keep their lead as regulation time wound down, it became even more desperate.  No one could tell exactly how much time was left as Sassy finally broke free and circled for the final scoring pass.  The Dolls forced her to the inside into the back of her own pack where she fell to her knees and slid across the apex, passing the pack, but gaining no points as the final whistle blew!  Not only was it down to the final jam, but the final second.  At the end, the Reservoir Dolls stood victorious 120-119!

3 Stars for the Portland Rosebuds - Scream Cheese and Cheese Grater of Despair combined for 18 big hits/jammer stops and 4 open holes that I was able to spot.  They definitely get defensive stars and Foxy Shazam led all Portland scoring, picking up 48 points and a 77% lead jammer percentage!  Great job to these three and the rest of the Buds!

3 stars for Eugene Reservoir Dolls - The no brainer on this side is Spunkee Bruizer.  Twelve big plays in the pack, 34 points and a 60% lead jammer percentage make her a definite triple threat!  Joining her on the offensive side is, of course, Roma Mafia with 47 points and a 100% lead jammer percentageShe did not have any incredible, breakout jams this time, but her consistent ability to get lead jammer and put up the numbers was key for this victory.  For the final one, I am going to have to give a combined star to Buddha Thunder and Rattle Skate.  They combined in the pack for 8 big plays that I was able to get down, but I know I missed multiple opennings created for their jammers and stops for both of them.  Just like their Portland counterparts, they knew how to be where they were needed in the pack, and made darned sure they were there.  Well done to all!

This game was awesome, and Eugene has slain the giants of I-5 and Portland. Are they giants themselves?  I would say they have definitely made their argument.

A huge thanks to Eugene for making me feel so welcome (chocolate chip cookies!) and to Felix for taking down the hits and stops as I called them out.  Next up for me is the SDB Galaxy Girls vs Kitsap Derby Brats on the 21st!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bout Preview! Rosebuds @ Reservoir Dolls

Many people talk about the concept of Derby Love.  The thought that every skater in Roller Derby has a sisterhood to each other, and that sisterhood binds them together in a special camaraderie.  On the track, they will hit each other into next week and never look back, but off the track they will smile and hug and congratulate each other.  I have never seen this more evident as the love between the Portland Rosebuds and the Eugene Junior Gems' Reservoir Dolls.  They travel north to attend each others' bouts, bringing signs and cheers to help their sisters on, but when they take the track against each other, it's business.

And business it will be on Sunday at the Wilmalane Sports Complex in Springfield, OR as the Rosebuds come to visit the Reservoir Dolls.

Portland is looking to retain their undefeated 2011 season, but their roster contains five new faces and they are skating without Braidy Punch (who graduated).  Still, Look for Jesus Feist, Scream Cheese and Bleeda Ford to carry on with their usual derby greatness.  They head into this bout with the confidence of experience and three ranked victories already under their belt.  I am certain they are going to be working hard to make it four and guarantee themselves a spot in the first place game in August.

Scream Cheese
Pancake Abomination
Foxy Shazam
Cheese Grater of Despair
Annaphylactic Shock
The Situation
Tempest Fugit
Banana Slug Her
Sumthang Sassy
Bleeda Ford
Feliz Brutality
Jesus Feist
Vanilla Distract
Toxic Haste

Kill Em
The Perfect Weapon

Eugene has already shocked the I-5 juggernaut, and has a history of skating well against their neighbors to the north.  This is the first bout of the new team (since the Jr Gems have their travel team tryouts in the the spring), but the new team does not seem to have a lot of new names.  I will definitely be looking forward to seeing Spunkee Bruizer, Violet No-regard and Buddha Thunder on the track, and don't forget the unbelievable 37 point jam put up by Roma Mafia against I-5!

Tinker Hell
Bust-her Hyde
Rattle Skate
Violet No-Regard
Sinister Attraction
Spunkee Bruizer
Fizzy Bubbly
Neal Cassady
Buddha Thunder
Roma Mafia
Burly Curly
Killa Kandy

Bahr Fight
Kitty Katastrophy

Friday, May 6, 2011

Featured Skater for May, Whamsday Addams!

In a slight departure from those who have been featured thus far, this month I am featuring a skater who is not graduating, but who exemplifies Junior Derby to the core.  Whamsday Addams, skating for the Kitsap Derby Brats, has amazed with her abilities both on and off the track.  She is a leader and an inspiration to her team and to the sport at large.

And when not skating, she's rocking out on the guitar as she is active in the Girls Rock music scene and is even part of the youth advisory committee for EMP.

I had a chance to send Whamsday a few questions recently, and here are her answers!

Name: Blaine Ewig

At what age did you start skating?
When I was in first grade (about seven years old), I begged my parents for a pair of inline skates. I think they got tired of listening to me whine pretty quickly, and they bought me a pair. I wore them around my neighborhood only a handful of times, got bored, and decided that skating just wasn't for me because I could go faster on my bike. I didn't put on a pair of skates again until the rink opened up in Port Orchard when I was thirteen, and I didn't put on quads until the night before my very first derby practice.

When did you first find roller derby?
My mom started playing before I did, and that's how I learned about derby. At first, I thought it was kinda lame, because, well... uh... my mom played it. So uncool, right? Wrong! After my parents took me to my first Rat City game, I was hooked, and my love affair with derby began. I started going to practice with my mom because I wanted to watch all of the super badass rollergirls. They were kind of my idols. Then, something magical happened! A junior team started in Port Orchard. I went to my first practice, and it was AWESOME because I learned how to go fast and hit stuff. It felt great.

What was the best thing about skating with your league?
The best thing about skating with my league is exactly that; Skating with my league. I love skating, and I love my league. I couldn't ask for a better group of teammates or coaches. They put their hearts into everything they do, and always try their best. We might not be a team that wins every game, but we are constantly learning, improving, and having fun while we do it. Oh, and they put up with me, and I'm sure that can be really hard sometimes! I love my team times a million.

Is there a skater or team you see as an inspiration to you in roller derby?
Just one skater? One team? BUT THERE ARE SO MANY. I think that derby girls are just inspiring in general. I mean, in what other sport can you find such strong, athletic, determined, and intelligent women? Not to mention that they're all working full time jobs and caring for families at the same time! Rollergirls don't get paid for this stuff, but they sure as hell work for it like they do. It amazes me that there is such a large community of amazing and supportive people who dedicate so much energy into to something just because they love it.

I hear that you are actually looking at colleges based on where you can skate when you are 18... So where are you looking?
Well. That is a loaded question, my friend. I plan on staying in the Northwest, and will probably end up in either Seattle or Olympia. There are a ton of leagues near and between the two cites, so I figure I'll get to choose whichever league fits best with my schedule and challenges me the most.

Which is your favorite team to play against and why?
Hmmmmm, I guess if I HAD to choose just ONE team, I would pick I-5. I feel like whenever we play them, I come back with some new idea or strategy, and a deeper understanding of how roller derby works. I love that I-5 plays smart derby. They really know how to use the rules to their advantage. And while they may be scary on the track, they are some of the nicest girls you will ever meet.

What advice would you give skaters just starting out in Jr Derby?
Get low. Lower. As low as you can. Learn how to take criticism constructively, and not personally. Listen to what you teammates and coaches have to say to you, and take in every ounce of it. Study the rules, and ask questions. Go to games, watch more derby, and pay attention. Maybe you're not the fastest. Maybe you're not the biggest hitter. Remember that everyone has a place in derby. That big, fast, intimidating girl? She was once where you are right now. Once upon a time, she could not rollerskate, and she fell, and she was afraid. But she kept going, and she kept learning. Stick with it, don't give up, and don't be too hard on yourself.